Google Unknown Tricks for Search is such a secret fact you will love enjoying this on search. So let you know the unknown facts of google search.
Tricks #1. Add '=English' after the number to pronounce the massive number.
For example; '8877432254=English'
Tricks #2. Use '' to find similar websites
For example: ''
Tricks #3. To remove an unimportant word from results use 'minus' symbol before a particular word
For example; 'Tshirt -Buy'
Tricks #4. To find an article with a particular keyword in the title use 'intitle:keyword'
For example; 'intitle:punch-hole-wallpaper'
Tricks #5. When you are confused about the search term to use either 'or' in the terms or use the symbol '|'
For example; 'twinkle star | moon'